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Posts Tagged ‘college’

Mild Steel Fabrication in Devon

March 9th, 2015

The task for the RB Engineering team was for mild steel fabrication in Devon.  The team were requested by the client to fabricate a gas cylinder storage cage in accordance with the British Oxygen Corporations safety criteria.  The time scale was 3 weeks and the finished product was to be completed and installed in time for the new college to open.

RB Engineering were familiar with this type of work and a meeting was arranged with the client to discuss the required mild steel fabrication.   The team were given information regarding the amount of cylinders to be stored and that the cage would fit on a concrete plinth which had already been cast onsite.  The cage was required to be primed with zinc and powder coated in red to match the trim colour of the building.  A sketch was made for the mild steel fabrication in Devon.

Once the sketch was converted into to a computer model drawing it was sent to the client for approval.   When the approval was received the materials were ordered for the mild steel fabrication work.   The materials used were: mild steel box section, mild steel angle and mild steel mesh.

The cage was bolted together in the RB Engineering workshop where the client was invited to inspect it for suitability and security.  The client was happy with the work and so the cage was dismantled and sent for off powder coating.

The parts were collected from the powder coaters and taken to the client site.  Assessments were carried out for risk and method before the installation began.   The cage was then re-assembled and fitted to the concrete base as required.  The work was completed within the scheduled time and the customer was more than happy with the end results.  The gas supplier was also happy about the storage facility for the gas cylinders.

Mild Steel Fabrication

Mild Steel Fabrication 2

Mild Steel Fabrication

Mild Steel Fabrication 3

Mild Steel Fabrication

Mild Steel Fabrication